4th of July is a special holiday where everyone young and old can celebrate their love for our wonderful country, and most people have their favorite Independence Day traditions! Green Valley Lake has its own special small town traditions too, and maybe, just maybe, they will be yours as well!
11:00 AM
The locals aren’t joking when they call GVL the home of the Smallest Parade Route ever. Annually almost 300 people convene on the small stretch of downtown between the post office and the boat house, and watch the whole parade go by, then circle back, in 30 minutes or less! Decorated snow blowers and golf cars are followed by children, and their parents on bikes, firetrucks, and this year, even a wonderful local pulling a basket of chickens!
12:00 - 4:00 PM
Vendors line up, selling various goodies such as glazed peanuts, tamales, wood crafts, and hand stitched aprons! In the square beside the garden, locals host a raffle featuring beautiful quilts made by people in the community, and a strawberry festival that specializes in strawberry shortcake, strawberry lemonade, and icy water!
2:00 PM
The tiny, (but mighty!) boat parade is hosted by the Water Department and Boathouse, and lasts a whopping 13 minutes. Locals, part-timers, and even a few guests all decorate their boats, both rented and owned, and take to the lake while people cheer from the shore.
5:00 PM
The outdoor Barn Dance begins! Locals and guests are welcome to bring their favorite dish to the square for a community potluck, while enjoying a wonderful live band (this year we had Grits & Gravy! A local favorite), and Square Dancing led by a local master. The festivities stretch into the late evening, before people leave to watch fireworks at Lake Arrowhead. Lake Arrowhead fireworks can be viewed from above in Green Valley Lake. It's a great way to watch fireworks without hours long traffic and crowds!
Whether you are a parade enthusiast, a local legend, a fan of good food, or a sucker for Square Dancing, this little town has it all. 4th of July is meant for celebrating this country, so why not celebrate it with friends, family, and a welcoming community? If you’re interested in spending your next 4th of July, don’t forget to #GVLlikealocal, and book your vacation at gvleaglecabins.com!